Asking for and accepting help is a strength, not a weakness
A blog about the benefits of asking for and accepting help. Although aimed at people with chronic pain and illness, this could useful to everyone!

The Importance of Community
I was asked to comment on an article looking at the importance of community for people living with long term health conditions. This is a really important topic so I have attached the link to the article.

To my fellow zebras
A blog for those with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder or Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Also useful for loved ones to understand what it is like to live with these disorders.

Not actually a blog
Contains the link to a podcast that I was a guest on. Here I talk about my lived experience of Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and how psychological therapy can benefit people with chronic pain and illness

“You look well today!” and other well-meaning but unhelpful comments
Some advice for both people with chronic pain or illness and their family/friends/partners/colleagues on how to communicate effectively

“Why do I need therapy? My pain isn’t all in my head!”
A blog explaining how psychological therapy can help when you live with chronic pain and illness.