Why choose psychological therapy for pain or illness?
I believe that you can live well and enjoy a fulfilling life with chronic pain or a long term illness.
Therapy can help you to learn skills to take steps towards a life you want. Unfortunately, we cannot remove chronic pain and illness. But therapy can help you to learn strategies to manage your symptoms in a different way. It can help you to change your relationship to pain and illness enabling you to move towards a valued life. Find out more about what difficulties therapy can help with here.
You may not know it yet but you have so much strength and resilience. I can help you to find it and use it to grow and make changes to improve your quality of life. When you are ready, you can contact me to make an appointment.
Physical and psychological health go hand in hand.
It is very common to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, or trauma when you live with chronic pain or illness. Therapy can help you with this.
Feeling better in yourself can give you more energy to manage the demands that come with living with a health condition. It can help increase your confidence to do more of what you enjoy and help you feel more connected to others. This will then enable you to start taking steps towards a more rich and fulfilling life. You can find out more about the types of therapy available here.